In January, the sales of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market fell 10.4% year on year, and Apple still ranked first

Author:Yueyue Time:2023-03-01 09:42

In recent years, the mobile phone market is really difficult. The main reason is that everyone's consumption has been downgraded. The demand for mobile phone replacement is not so high, so the sales volume has declined year by year. According to the latest news, the sales volume of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market fell 10.4% year on year in January. Although many small partners are talking about Apple, from the data, Apple is still the first place in the domestic market.

In January, the sales of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market fell 10.4% year on year, and Apple still ranked first

The sales of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market fell 10.4% year on year in January, and Apple still ranked first

The latest data from CINNO Research shows that in January 2023, the sales of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market will be about 27.66 million, up 44.6% month on month from December, and down 10.4% year on year.

CINNO said that although the year-on-year decline has narrowed, it is still in the decline channel, which has been the 12th consecutive month of negative year-on-year growth since February last year, and the second worst monthly sales volume in January in 2015, which is only better than the level in January 2015.

According to the data of CINNO Research, the sales volume of Top5 mainstream brands in the domestic smart machine market in January showed a negative growth year on year, with a decline of 4.2% - 23.5%. Only the sales volume of Xiaomi in the Android camp decreased less than the overall decline of smart machines year on year, and OPPO/Glory/Vivo decreased significantly year on year, with 13.5%, 19.2% and 23.5% respectively; The performance of Apple's mobile phone brand was better than that of the Android camp, with a year-on-year decrease of 4.2% in sales.

By brand:

Apple is still the first in the domestic market with sales of about 4.9 million units, up to 30.7% month-on-month, and the iPhone 14 Pro Max won the first monthly single machine with 1.31 million units;

OPPO ranked second with the sales volume of 4.7 million units, with a month-on-month increase of 38.3%;

The Glory Market performed stably, ranking third with sales volume of about 4.2 million units;

Xiaomi and Vivo ranked fourth and fifth respectively, with the sales of Vivo increasing by 62.4% on a month-on-month basis, and the sales of Top5 brand increased the most on a month-on-month basis.

From the perspective of market share:

Top5 brand share fluctuated little, with Apple's share of 17.6% in January, up 1.1 percentage points year on year;

The market share of OPPO was 16.9%, down 0.6 percentage points year on year;

The glory share was 15.2%, down 1.7 percentage points year on year;

Xiaomi/Vivo share is 15% and 14.5% respectively.

In January, the sales of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market fell 10.4% year on year, and Apple still ranked first

In January, the sales of smart phones in the Chinese Mainland market fell 10.4% year on year. It can be seen that the market is really depressed. Although new mobile phones have been introducing many new functions, mobile phones have long been a mature product. Even if it is cheap, many of its functions are enough to meet everyone's needs, so the decline is inevitable.

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