OPPO entered the top five Chinese and Indian markets, becoming the highest growth brand

Author:DXW Time:2024-06-25 00:25

Canalys recently released the TWS market research report for the second quarter of 2022 on the Internet. In this report, the prospect of the mobile phone market is not optimistic, but in such a tough situation, the sales of OPPO and one plus two brands are rising against the current. Instead of declining, they are growing against the trend and breaking the previous record. Let's take a look at the remarkable achievements of these two brands.

OPPO entered the top five Chinese and Indian markets, becoming the highest growth brand

Recently, Canalys, a research organization, released the latest TWS market research report. The data shows that in the second quarter of 2022, although the global TWS shipment volume increased by8%year-on-year, reaching63 millionunits, although the shipment volume increased, the TWS market value decreased by 2.9%, and the trend is still not optimistic. Among many brands, OPPO (including OnePlus) is particularly eye-catching, with a year-on-year growth of 119% and 583% in the Chinese and Indian markets, respectively. It is one of the few brands that has achieved a rise against the trend.

In the domestic market, OPPO entered the top five markets with a high growth rate of119%, and was the only growth brand among the top 5 domestic shares in the TWS market in the second quarter. All the leading manufacturers except OPPO saw their shipments decline in the second quarter. Specifically, the year-on-year growth of Xiaomi, Apple, Pacer and Huawei decreased by- 30%, 23%, - 20% and - 13% respectively.

Canalys data shows that India is the main driving force for the growth of this category. As the third largest TWS equipment market in the world, India bucked the trend in this quarter, with a significant growth of shipments55.0%, of which OPPO (including one brand plus) is the most prominent. With the year-on-year growth of583%, OPPO became the TWS brand with the third largest market share in India and the only domestic brand among the top 5 brands in India.

OPPO didn't start early in the TWS headset industry. At the end of 2019, OPPO Enco Free, the first TWS headset, was released. Through multiple product lines such as OPPO Enco X, OPPO Enco Free and OPPO Enco Air, OPPO Enco achieved full coverage from high-end to entry-level markets, quickly won recognition from the market and users, and achieved a breakthrough in global sales of tens of millions in 2021. In 2022, OPPO earphones will still be able to grow against the trend in the face of market depression, and become the brand with the highest growth in China and India.

In this report, OPPO entered the top five markets with a high growth rate of 119% in February this year. From the perspective of OPPO's own volume, it is very rare that OPPO can increase its turnover by 19% in a quarter. Although it is relatively easy to increase the growth of new brands, the 583% increase is still amazing.