The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has studied and promoted the application of eSIM, and the domestic virtual telephone card is finally coming?

Author:Dai Time:2024-06-24 22:16

The iPhone 14 series was finally officially released last week. It is believed that many Apple fans have already got the real iPhone 14. This new iPhone still caused a rush of purchase as usual. It can also be seen that users love Apple phones. It is worth mentioning that the iPhone 14 series has cancelled the physical phone card in the United States and adopted the eSIM virtual phone card. Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China also issued a statement saying that it will promote the domestic eSIM application, This means that the domestic virtual telephone card is about to be interviewed!

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has studied and promoted the application of eSIM, and the domestic virtual telephone card is finally coming?

Recently, a netizen left a message on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology asking whether there is a promotion plan for eSIM mobile phone cards in China? In response, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology replied on September 15 that, "Our department attaches great importance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and insists on actively promoting the application and promotion of new technologies and equipment on the basis of ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of users and information security. At present, our department is organizing relevant units toresearch and promote the application of eSIM technology on tablets, portable computers and smart phone devices, andexpand the application scope of eSIM technology when conditions are ripe."

In fact, the domestic eSIM card has existed for a long time, but it cannot be fully implemented for various reasons. The mobile phone technology in the future is more and more advanced, and it will definitely adopt the eSIM application. I don't know which mobile phone brand will be the first one?

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