Jobs' daughter roast that the iPhone 14 is not new, and Apple has really been going downhill

Author:Dai Time:2024-06-24 21:19

Apple officially released the iPhone 14 series at 1:00 a.m. on September 8 this year. In keeping with Apple's traditional toothpaste squeezing style, this year's iPhone 14 series, although the pro version changed the screen design, was still roast by people about nothing new. It is worth mentioning that the daughter of Apple founder Jobs was still publicly complaining on the social platform, and this year's iPhone 14 series was nothing new, which was once a hot search, Now let's take a look at the specific content!

Jobs' daughter roast that the iPhone 14 is not new, and Apple has really been going downhill

Eve, the daughter of Apple founder Steve Jobs, complained in her Instagram that the iPhone 14 phone is nothing new. Although it's as easy for me to change a new phone as changing clothes, I'm still not interested. Eve's picture is also ironic. A man is holding a new shirt that is the same as what he is wearing now.

Specific messages

Eve wrote: "This is me who replaced the iPhone 13 with the iPhone 14 after the Apple launch." After Eve roast, many people agreed with her on the new iPhone 14. Some people pointed out that many technical specifications between iPhone 13 and 14 are the same, including screen size, refresh rate, storage, CPU and camera. Many people believe that Eve's half joking post also truly reflects that Apple's innovation was hit after Jobs died.

Even the daughter of Apple founder Steve Jobs is roast that the iPhone 14 series has no new ideas, which is enough to show that Apple has really been on the decline in recent years. Although Apple's mobile phone is still the world's first, if it continues to eat its cake, it will surely be caught up by other brands.

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