When will Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT be released?

Author:Yueyue Time:2024-06-24 00:29

When will HarmonyOS NEXT be released? This is the question that many users want to know. This is the Genshin Impact system that Huawei will soon launch. The system plays a very important role in the operation of mobile phones. The following editor will explain to youLet me introduce when Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT will be released, come and take a look!

When will Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT be released?

When will Hongmeng HarmonyOS NEXT be released?

Yu Chengdong revealed: The new HarmonyOS NEXT developer preview version will be open to developers in the first quarter of 2024, and Huawei will also fully launch Harmony native applications.

It is reported that the development of HarmonyOS NEXT is progressing smoothly and has now entered the internal testing stage.

The release of HarmonyOS means that Huawei has officially bid farewell to the constraints of the Android operating system and is instead fully developing its own operating system.HarmonyOS NEXT will further improve and enhance the performance and stability of the system to provide users with a better experience.

The release of HarmonyOS NEXT will also bring good business opportunities and development space to Huawei.As one of the world's largest mobile phone manufacturers, Huawei will launch more innovative features and applications on Hongmeng-compatible devices to further broaden users' choices.

That’s it for the detailed explanation of when HarmonyOS NEXT will be released. There are many other tutorials about Huawei mobile phones in Mobile Cat. If you encounter functions that you don’t know how to use when using your mobile phone, remember to collect the mobile phone.Cat, it’s more convenient to find answers to your questions through the mobile cat!

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