China's high-end mobile phone market share was released in the second quarter, and vivo surpassed Huawei to become the first!

Author:Dai Time:2024-06-24 20:17

The share of domestic mobile phone brands in the global market has always been relatively low. Fortunately, China's population base is relatively large, so there is still a lot of room for domestic mobile phones to survive, but they are also focused on the low-end mobile phone market. Recently, foreign countries announced the share of the global high-end mobile phone market in the second quarter of this year, with Apple still ranking first, while the share of domestic mobile phone brands has changed greatly, Now let's let the mouse introduce the specific news for you!

China's high-end mobile phone market share was released in the second quarter, and vivo surpassed Huawei to become the first!

According to the sales report released by a well-known foreign analysis company, the sales share of China's high-end smartphone market (wholesale price of USD 400 and above) rose slightly from 31% in the second quarter of 2021 to 33% in the second quarter of 2022. In the segment market, the market share of super high-end mobile phones with a wholesale price of $1000 or more has more than doubled, from the original 8% to 20%, while the market share of entry-level high-end mobile phones has dropped from 51% to 36%.

Specific messages

Apple still holds nearly half of the domestic high-end mobile phone market, and has increased from 43% in the same period last year to 46% this year. In addition, the other five major manufacturers are all domestic brands. Different from last year, the number one domestic brand changed from Huawei to Vivo. Huawei's market share fell from 19% to 11%, a huge recession. Vivo doubled from 6% to 13%, becoming the mobile phone manufacturer with the greatest progress. In terms of other mobile phone manufacturers, Glory has also made great progress, with its market share rising from 6% last year to 9% this year. Millet dropped from 9% to 8%, with little change in share, but OPPO dropped from 13% to 8%, which was also a big drop.

The competition in China's high-end mobile phone market is still quite big. Huawei and Apple competed with each other before. For special reasons, Huawei could not ship normally, making Apple the dominant company. This year, Huawei will surely regain its status as the first brother once again.

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