How is the battery life after upgrading to iOS 16.4 on iPhone 14plus

Author:Cong Time:2023-08-23 19:41

Recently, iPhone 14 Plus received an update push for Apple's iOS 16.4 system. According to Apple's official introduction, the system update has fixed many issues. So, will upgrading the iPhone 14 Plus to iOS 16.4 have an impact on battery life performance? To answer this question, let's introduce the battery life of the iPhone 14 Plus upgraded to iOS 16.4& Nbsp;

How is the battery life after upgrading to iOS 16.4 on iPhone 14plus

How is the battery life after upgrading to iOS 16.4 on iPhone 14plus

After the upgrade, there has been a significant improvement in battery life

IOS 16.4 has solved the power outage issue in the previous system and improved the battery life. It was used lightly from 7am to 5pm throughout the entire process. iOS 16.3.1 has a remaining battery life of 42%, while upgrading to iOS 16.4beta3 has a remaining battery life of 46% in the same usage scenario. The battery life optimization is indeed very optimal.

In terms of fever, daily mild use basically does not feel fever. Playing large games has improved fever compared to iOS 16.3.1, and there is no CPU frequency reduction problem. The game can run at full frame.

If you are an iPhone 14 Plus user, you can confidently upgrade the iOS 16.4 system, which not only does not affect the phone's battery life, but also makes your phone's performance even better. Of course, if you notice a decrease in battery life during use, you can try some power saving methods, such as closing unnecessary background applications, lowering screen brightness, and so on.

iPhone 14 plus

iPhone 14 plus


  • 6.7-inch large screen
  • A15 bionic processor
  • Matte textured glass backplane

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