The official version of iOS 16.2 will be released soon, with eight new features added!

Author:Dai Time:2022-12-06 17:43

After the official launch of the new iPhone 14 series in September this year, Apple worked overtime to complete the new iOS 16 system. Although it is a new system, the user experience is not very good due to many problems. Last month, Apple launched the official version of iOS 16.1. Apple is expected to officially launch the iOS 16.2 version in the coming New Year. The new system will bring eight new functions to users. Come and have a look!

The official version of iOS 16.2 will be released soon, with eight new features added!

IOS 16.2, which is still in beta, is expected to be officially launched in December. It will bring you some new features. Here are eight new features.

1: iOS Freeform App

Freeform is an app to improve efficiency. It allows users to create freely with their peers, turning the sky into reality. Users can use Apple Pencil to draw sketches, write notes, share files, and add web links, files, videos, and audio messages.

2: Add 2 new widgets to the lock screen

iOS 16.2 adds two new Widget to the lock screen, which are sleep and medicine.

3: New settings for Always On Display

IOS 16.2 adds "Close Wallpaper" and "Close Notification" options to the Always On Display settings in iPhone 14 Pro. The user can directly turn off relevant options in Always On Display, so that Wallpaper and notifications can not be displayed when Always On Display is enabled. It is believed that such small changes can keep the lock screen simple and save power.

4: Live Activities competition scores can be viewed instantly

The Live Activities function of iOS 16.2 can support the real-time score display of sports competitions, which can be conducted through Apple TV app, so that users can see the real-time results of NBA, MLB and even the Super League in the lock screen or dynamic island.

5: Live Activities supports more frequent updates

After the launch of Live Activities in iOS 16.1, more and more apps support this feature, including Uber. In iOS 16.2, users can set the update frequency of Live Activities, allowing faster updates, but consuming more power.

6: Home App architecture has changed greatly

The Home app of iOS 16.2 will provide users with the option to upgrade the "infrastructure", which will improve the efficiency of users' homes and make smart homes more reliable.

7: Siri supports "silent response"

When asking Siri, in many cases, users will also respond with voice. In iOS 16.2, users can set Siri as "preferred silent response" in the auxiliary use function. In this way, Siri will display the response directly. Even if you ask her to tell you a joke, she will only display the text.

8: ProMotion is smoother

It seems that iOS 16.2 has corrected the situation that the ProMotion function of iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro may not be smooth.

New The official version of iOS 16.2 is expected to be officially launched around the middle of this month. At that time, all models that support the update can be upgraded. Now IOS 16.2 has been tested for the fourth time, and the fifth test will come soon. Let's look forward to it

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  • Super ceramic faceplate
  • Glass back plate
  • Aluminum metal frame

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