Musk said that Apple's advertising rate was too high, and netizens said that the richest man was right!

Author:Dai Time:2022-11-24 22:56

Apple's mobile phone has always been the representative of a simple and clean system in the industry. Many users choose it because there are few advertisements for Apple's mobile phone. However, in recent years, Apple has greatly increased its advertising. It will add advertising spaces to various APPs that come with the system. Recently, the world's richest man Mask said that Apple's advertising is too high. Netizens all think that the statement of the richest man is correct, Apple's regulations on advertising are really not very good.

Musk said that Apple's advertising rate was too high, and netizens said that the richest man was right!

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, said that Apple's newly announced "30% for social media advertising" was indeed too high. In the past month, Apple has rejected Spotify's application three times, saying that its new audio book violates Apple's regulations on "how developers communicate with customers about online purchases".

Specific messages

Spotify said that this process not only harmed consumers, but also harmed authors and publishers, who were completely suppressed by Apple. Ike said: "If the decision-makers do not take action, everything will not change. I cannot be the only one to see this absurd act." Later, Musk replied to Ike's post on Twitter, saying: "It's worrying."

At the same time, Musk also replied to another post about Apple's newly announced "30% for social media advertising", saying that "30% is really too high".

As the richest man in the world, Musk's comments will have a great impact. Apple's high advertising rate has also been roast by everyone. We can only hope that Apple will change this aspect in the future, otherwise it will bring various problems.

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