The world's first Web3 mobile phone METAVERTU was officially released, with memory as the highlight!

Author:Dai Time:2022-11-24 21:47

With the continuous innovation of mobile phone technology, people can use more and more functions on mobile phones, which also makes people more and more inseparable from mobile phones. The popularity of the market has led many enterprises to start their own mobile phone brands. Recently, the world's first Web3 mobile phone METAVERTU was officially released. As a luxury brand, how about the mobile phones developed and designed? Now let's give you a brief introduction!

The world's first Web3 mobile phone METAVERTU was officially released, with memory as the highlight!

Recently, at the conference in London, European luxury mobile phone brand VERTU officially released its new product METAVERTU, which is also the world's first Web3 mobile phone, in honor of Nokia's people-oriented principle.


It is reported that the newly released METAVERTU carries the CNCOS "Five dimensional Integrated Ecosystem", and also integrates A5 security chip, smart terminal, on chain application, operating system, butler service and other functions into the mobile phone. It is precisely because of this technology that users can switch between Web2.0 and Web3.0 modes with one button.

The world's first Web3 mobile phone METAVERTU was officially released, with memory as the highlight!

As for the Web3.0 system developed by VERTU, it is understood that its built-in copyright camera can generate digital collections with one click, and its hardware configuration is also very eye-catching. It is equipped with Snapdragon 8GEN1 chip, and has 18GB storage+1TB memory+10TB distributed storage, which can effectively solve the problem of users' memory focus.

The world's first Web3 mobile phone METAVERTU was officially released, with memory as the highlight!

According to the press conference, METAVERTU will be officially launched on November 3 this year, and VERTU retail stores around the world will also sell on the same day. In addition, intended users can purchase it through VERTU official website, Tmall Black Box HEY SPACE and other channels. It is worth mentioning that in the promotional video released by VERTU, Apple's 1984 advertisement appeared, which is intended to imply that the decentralized WEB3 spirit will be used to break Apple's digital hegemony for many years.

This VERTU mobile phone looks very good. After all, it is a luxury brand and has a very high appearance. However, it will not be known until the mobile phone is officially launched after evaluation.

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