The latest optimization of Smart Island is coming! A large number of third-party software have been adapted

Author:Cong Time:2022-09-29 14:48

Smart Island is a new feature that Apple announced at this year's press conference. This feature can effectively use the hole digging on the screen. However, because Smart Island has just been released, there are also many bugs. Recently, Apple has optimized the Smart Island to reduce the occurrence of bugs, and also adapted many third-party software!

The latest optimization of Smart Island is coming! A large number of third-party software have been adapted

The new Smart Island design launched by Apple this year can be said to be controversial. Some time ago, there were many bugs. While Apple tried to repair them, it also planned a set of interactions that would make the best use of the hole digging screen.

The latest optimization of Smart Island is coming! A large number of third-party software have been adapted

However, Apple did not open the API at the first time of its release, which would cause some third-party software to fail to adapt. Recently, this issue has also aroused extensive discussion among netizens, because the then Lingdong Island was very abrupt in third-party software.

Now,Apple has opened the API in IOS 16.1. In addition, Apple has officially released a complete guide to the design of real-time events, including the specifications for developers to add real-time events to the app, one of which is not allowed to display advertisements!

In addition, it also shows three states of Lingdong Island, namely minimized, maximized and compact state, which will be the most common way to show Lingdong Island in the future.

Here are some things developers should pay attention to:

-Provides real-time activities for tasks and real-time events with defined start and end.

-Only the most important content is presented.

-Real time activities are updated only when new content is available, and users are reminded only when they must pay attention.

-Avoid displaying sensitive information in real-time activities.

-Avoid using live events to display advertising or promotions.

-Let users control the start and end of real-time activities.

-Make sure that the app will be opened at the correct location after clicking Live Activity.

-Consider deleting real-time activities from the lock screen after the lock screen ends.

-Ensures unified information and design for a compact presentation in a dynamic island.

-Create a consistent layout between compact and extended presentations.

-Consider using a consistent design in locked screens and extended presentations.

-Adapt to different screen sizes and live event presentations.

-Consider carefully before using custom background colors and opacity on the lock screen.

-Coordinate the fillet radius of the content with the real-time active fillet radius.

-Use standard margins to ensure that content is clear and readable.

-Select the color that is appropriate for your personalized lock screen.

-Support dark color mode and constant light display.

-Use animation with caution only to draw attention to content updates.

Apple's Lingdong Island is a very useful design. This time, Apple's repair of Lingdong Island makes it more useful. I hope Apple can increase the development of Smart Island, so that everyone can enjoy this function as soon as possible.