Vivo X90 Pro+Super Cup, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen2 plus new telephoto solution

Author:Yueyue Time:2024-06-24 23:45

It is expected that the vivo X90 series mobile phones released in December this year will make many small partners very excited. After all, the previous series 80 is really good, attracting a lot of new users, and providing a solid fan base for vivo. And there are more and more news about the vivo X90 Pro+version. It is reported that this series will have a super cup upgrade, which is really more mysterious.

Vivo X90 Pro+Super Cup, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen2 plus new telephoto solution

Previous news showed that the vivo X90 series mobile phones, the flagship of the next generation of vivo, will be released at the end of this year or early next year. Recently, a blogger exposed more information about vivo X90 series mobile phones.

Vivo X90 Pro+Super Cup, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen2 plus new telephoto solution

According to the digital blogger @ digital chat station today, thevivo X90 series mobile phone is expected to be released in December this year, and the X90 series mobile phone has a vivo X90 Pro+version super cup model equipped with theQualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen2 processor. In terms of imaging, the vivo X90 Pro+flagship mobile phone will be equipped with a 1-inch super bottom+high-quality new telephoto solution. At the same time, the blogger replied to netizens' comments that the new telephoto is a periscope telephoto, and there is no small screen version of the vivo X90 series mobile phones.

On August 4 this year, the blogger disclosed the charging scheme of the vivo X90 series. He said that the vivo X90 series is struggling to upgrade to 120W fast charging or popularize the charging scheme of 80W wired+50W wireless. As a reference, the vivo X80 standard version uses a 4500mAh battery+80W wired fast charging scheme, which does not support wireless charging. The vivo X80 Pro has a built-in 4700mAh battery, which supports 80W wired fast charging+50W wireless fast charging.

The blogger said that the vivo X90 series mobile phone screen has two specifications, namely, the BOE screen with 1.5K resolution and the Samsung (SDC) screen with 2K resolution E6 substrate.

It is reported that the vivo X90 Pro+Super Bowl will be equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, as well as a high-quality new telephoto. It seems that photography will not be delayed, and this mobile phone will also be released in December this year. Let's look forward to it.