What files cannot be deleted in the system directory of Huawei mobile phones?

Author:阿威 Time:2024-09-10 11:44

What files cannot be deleted in the system directory of Huawei mobile phones?Many friends are paying close attention to this issue. When everyone enters the system file directory, they find that there are many folders. Some folders are necessary system files that must not be deleted, but everyone does not know much about this. Huawei mobile phone system directoryThere are some important files and folders in the phone. These files and folders are crucial to the normal operation of the phone, so it is not recommended to delete them at will. The following is an overview of some files and folders that cannot be deleted.

What files cannot be deleted in the system directory of Huawei mobile phones?

Files and folders that cannot be deleted

Android folder:

Description: This folder usually stores the core files and program data of the mobile phone system.It contains critical data necessary for the operating system and applications to run.

Importance: Because these files are critical to system stability and application operation, nothing in this folder should be deleted or modified.

bugreport and bugtogo folders:

Description: These folders are used to store report files when problems occur on the system.These files contain detailed information about system crashes, errors, or abnormal behavior and are invaluable debugging information for developers.

Importance: Although ordinary users may not need to access these files directly, their existence is important for the maintenance and optimization of the system.Therefore, deleting these folders is not recommended.

data folder:

Description: This folder is used to store the application's cache data and user data.While some cached data can be safely deleted to free up space, directly deleting the entire data folder may result in applications not working properly or losing important data.

Importance: Since the data folder contains the core data and settings of the application, users are not recommended to delete this folder directly.

system folder:

Description: This folder contains the system's core files and libraries, as well as the necessary components for starting and running system services.

Importance: Since the system folder is critical to the functioning of the system, users should not attempt to delete or modify anything in this folder.

vendor folder:

Description: This folder typically contains proprietary driver and library files provided by the device manufacturer.These files are critical for the proper functioning of the device and interaction with the hardware.

Importance: Since the files in the vendor folder are device-specific and have a significant impact on the stability and performance of the system, users are not recommended to delete anything in this folder.


Before deleting any system file, always make sure you understand its purpose and importance.

If you're not sure whether a file can be deleted, don't try to delete it.

Accidentally deleting system files may cause system instability, application crashes, or other serious problems.

If you need to free up storage space, consider deleting unnecessary apps, photos, videos, and files instead of deleting system files.

Many files and folders in the system directory of Huawei mobile phones are necessary for the normal operation of the system, so users are not recommended to delete them at will. If you need to free up storage space or solve other problems, please seek professional technical support or follow official recommendations.I believe you will understand the operation steps after reading them. Finally, I wish you all a happy life!

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