The first disassembly of iPhone 14 is all made of memory chips from domestic manufacturers!

Author:Haoyue Time:2024-06-24 22:17

Today, the iPhone 14 series has officially started to be sold through all channels. As the largest iPhone series that has been changed in recent years, both online and offline users who intend to buy the iPhone have been ready to rush to buy it. Some users have disassembled the new iPhone after starting, and found that a large number of domestic manufacturers' memory chips are used in the series.

The first disassembly of iPhone 14 is all made of memory chips from domestic manufacturers!

Recently, the whole network evaluation of the iPhone 14 series has been officially lifted. Xiao Bian noticed that someone had disassembled the iPhone 14 series and found thatthis year's Apple mobile phone used a large number of memory chips from Chinese manufacturer Changjiang Storage. Before that, most of Apple's memory chip suppliers were Korean companies, such as Hynix. It can be seen that the domestic memory chip industry has also developed very rapidly, so that it has now entered the supply chain of Apple's iPhone.

The first disassembly of iPhone 14 is all made of memory chips from domestic manufacturers!

Of course, the blogger just dismantled an iPhoneThis year's iPhone 14 series may use accessories from many manufacturers as before.. For example, in terms of screen, there are at least three suppliers of iPhone, namely Samsung, LG and BOE, and the same should be true for memory chips.

The above is the specific content of the iPhone 14 series on memory chips. It can be seen that the domestic chip industry has indeed developed quite well in recent years, so that Apple's latest iPhone 14 series use many domestic memory chips. Today is the first sale day of the series, and interested partners can hurry up.

iPhone 14

iPhone 14


  • Super ceramic faceplate
  • Glass back plate
  • Aluminum metal frame

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