iPhone wallet can access NFC, Apple is becoming more android...

Author:Dai Time:2024-06-27 04:25

The New Year has just arrived, and hot searches about Apple have been ongoing. In addition to news about the new iPhone 16 series, there are also a lot of revelations about Apple system updates. Recently, it was revealed that iPhone wallets can access NFC. Just yesterday AppleThe latest version of the iOS system has been pushed, let us take a look at the specific news!

iPhone wallet can access NFC, Apple is becoming more android...

[Details of Apple’s new European regulations: iPhone wallet can access NFC]

Apple announced that in March this year it will open application sideloading, third-party app stores, non-WebKit engine browsers, etc. to 27 EU member states.Apple pushed the iOS 17.4 developer preview beta update to iPhone users on January 26 and began testing.

The EU's Digital Market Act requires Apple to modify iOS and the App Store. The European Commission defines iOS as the operating system running on the iPhone and App Store as a cross-platform entity running on all Apple operating systems.

So some of the changes Apple is making are unique to iPhone, while others will come to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.iPhone-only tweaks:

Third-party app stores

Third-party app stores are only available on iPhone, not iPad, so users in Europe cannot install third-party app stores on iPad, nor can they install apps from third-party app stores on iPad.Third-party app stores are only available on iPhone.

Review application

Reviews are related to other third-party app stores and apply to iOS apps, not iPadOS apps.

Alternative browser engine

Users in Europe are limited to browsers with non-WebKit engines on iPhone.For example, users in Europe can only use the Blink engine Chrome browser on iPhone and cannot use non-WebKit engine browsers on iPad.

Access NFC
Banking and Wallet apps on iPhone can access NFC technology, and users can set other contactless payment apps as default.

The iOS system launched by Apple this time is only a development version for the time being. It is not yet certain when the official version will be launched, but I believe it will not be too long. If you are interested in these new system features, you may as well wait.

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