In August 2022, the performance ranking of Anthare Android flagship mobile phones will show that Snapdragon 8+can still play!

Author:Dai Time:2024-06-24 20:46

In addition to the appearance and parameter configuration, we usually pay more attention to the performance of mobile phones, which is related to the smoothness of the use of mobile phones. Recently, Anthare officially released the performance ranking of Android flagship mobile phones in August, from which we can see the scores of several flagship mobile phones. If you are interested, let's take a look at the specific situation!

In August 2022, the performance ranking of Anthare Android flagship mobile phones will show that Snapdragon 8+can still play!

First place: Red Devil 7S game phone

Average score: 1123898

The first model in the Android mobile phone performance list is still the Red Devil 7S, which has earned enough face for this category as a game phone and has been ranked first in the performance list for many times. Although the Red Devil may not be as famous as several competitors in terms of sales volume and reputation, it can surprise people every time in terms of internal material accumulation and score score.

As a game phone, the front of the phone uses a 6.8 inch AMOLED full screen without holes, which supports a maximum 165Hz refresh rate, and also supports 60, 90, 120, and 165Hz multi gear adjustment. The screen parameters are already very strong, and the game players' pursuit of the screen is fully taken into account.

The processor is naturally a new generation of Snapdragon 8+. The game phone is equipped as a standard, with a battery capacity of 4500mAh. It supports 120W air cooling fast charging, which can be charged in 17 minutes. It can also be charged while playing. The standard configuration of the charging head is 165W. It is worth mentioning here that the Red Devil phone and its fast charging head are very compatible. Many fast charging heads can quickly charge it, and its fast charging head can also quickly charge many other phones, which is very good.

Second place: Tencent ROG game phone 6

Average score: 1105762

In July, Tencent's ROG mobile phone 6, which ranked third, was promoted to the second place. As the first brand to make game phones, ROG has always had something to offer, but it has never been afraid of piling up materials when it can't stand domestic phones, so Qianlang has always been beaten by Houlang.

ROG after cooperating with Tencent; Phone, originally thought that it could achieve a win-win situation in games and social networking relying on Tencent, but now it is just maintaining. After all, the category of game phones is still small, and the user base is small, so even though its starting price has been reduced as much as possible, the sales volume is still not ideal.

Tencent ROG game phone 6 is the second Snapdragon 8+mobile phone released in the market this year, with 6.78-inch Samsung E4 on the front; AMOLED E-sports screen supports a refresh rate of 165Hz. The default is 120Hz for daily use. The touch sampling rate is upgraded to 720Hz. The full link touch response time is 23ms. It has also joined the HDR10 certification. Its parameters are basically the same as those of the previous generation. It should not be upgraded.

The back of the fuselage has a new design style, which continues the ROG colorful personalized window, and also has the ROG  The logo believes in light effect, hardware and appearance are very recognizable in the category of game phones.

Third place: Red Devil 7S; Pro  Off screen game deck

Average score: 1097708

First of all, congratulations to the Red Devil that the two Snapdragon 8+mobile phones occupy two of the top three positions in the performance list of Android flagship mobile phones. It seems that the game phone does not need the Red Devil to justify itself, and the Android mobile phone needs the Red Devil to come to the platform to score.

Secondly, I believe you will also wonder why the high configuration version of 7S  The score of Pro is lower than that of the standard 7S. In the data we collected, the score of both mobile phones is 16+512G, but the total number and effective number of the Red Devil 7S are lower than that of the Red Devil 7S; Pro, even the Red Devil 7S; It is only half of Pro. The test base is larger, and the value will naturally be reduced, which is also the key to "average score".

Red Devil 7S  In terms of score, the total score of CPU and GPU of Pro is lower than that of the Red Devil 7S. In addition to the collected product test base, there may be a difference in the version number, which will also lead to the difference in score.

In August, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+dominated the performance ranking of Android flagship mobile phones, which is enough to show that Qualcomm's processors are still very capable in terms of performance!

The performance ranking of Android flagship Android phones in August this year was dominated by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+processors, mainly because the processor created by Qualcomm is really powerful, and a new Snapdragon 8G2 will be launched in the second half of the year, which will surely continue to dominate the ranking!

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