In the future, Apple Watch will non-invasive measure blood sugar. Netizens won't buy it: Is this accurate?

Author:Yueyue Time:2023-02-23 10:44

Blood glucose is a detail that no healthy person will not pay attention to. Everyone also knows that the normal way to measure blood glucose is to measure the glucose content in the human body when puncturing the skin and taking blood. It is really a little troublesome for many children who are afraid of pain. Apple, as the leader of innovation in the industry, has always received the attention and expectation of many users. According to the latest news, Apple Watch may non-invasive measure blood glucose in the future, What exactly happened?

In the future, Apple Watch will non-invasive measure blood sugar. Netizens won't buy it: Is this accurate?

Apple Watch will non-invasive measure blood glucose in the future

It is reported that Apple is carrying out a major project that can be traced back to the era of Jobs: using the Apple Watch to achieve non-invasive and continuous blood glucose monitoring

The goal of this secret study, known as E5, is to successfully measure the glucose content in the human body without puncturing the skin to take blood.

According to people familiar with the matter, Apple has made some significant progress in this field recently and believes that it can finally bring glucose monitoring technology to the market.

If this technological breakthrough is improved, it will be a blessing for diabetes patients. Adding the monitoring system to Apple Watch will be Apple's ultimate goal. If successful, it will also make this device a necessity for hundreds of millions of diabetes patients worldwide.

Apple Watch may non-invasive measure blood sugar in the future, and many netizens don't buy it. They also ask: Is this accurate? Your doubts are not unreasonable. After all, we have got used to the traditional blood glucose measurement method, poke your finger, and take blood measurement is the most accurate method. I wonder if Apple Watch's non-invasive blood glucose measurement can bring you surprises?

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