strike while the iron is hot! Vivo still has many new products in 2023. Which one will meet you first after the year?

Author:Yueyue Time:2023-02-06 18:15

Today's young people can't live without mobile phones. It's really hard to wait for new products from mobile phones. For many small partners, it's "torture". But last year, there was a brand that spewed new products at a speed that attracted many small partners' attention. That is Blue Factory Vivo. This year, Vivo will also strike while the iron is hot! It will still bring you many new mobile phones.

strike while the iron is hot! Vivo still has many new products in 2023. Which one will meet you first after the year?

Strike while the iron is hot! Vivo In 2023there are still many new products. Which one will meet you first after the year

At present, the flagship aircraft will include: Vivo X Fold2, Vivo X Flip

At present, there will be: iQOO Neo8, iQOO Z7

At present, tablet products will include: Vivo Pad2

Even some kids have begun to look forward to iQOO 12 series and Vivo X100 series. These two flagship series should be in the second half of the year

If there is no accident, Vivo X Fold2 and Vivo X Flip should first meet with you in 2023. Many friends who like folding screens should be very excited. One is horizontal, the other is vertical, and Vivo X Flip is the first vertical folding screen mobile phone in Blueworks, which is also very worthy of expectation.

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