The Glory 80 series launch conference will be launched this afternoon, and the live broadcast platform will be summarized!

Author:Haoyue Time:2022-11-25 08:02

With the official release of Glory MagicOS 7.0 yesterday, users are more and more looking forward to the debut of Glory 80 series of the system. At 14:30 this afternoon, Glory 80 series will also be officially released. In order to facilitate users to better watch, the editor has collated all the live broadcast platform channels of Glory 80 series conference here.

The Glory 80 series launch conference will be launched this afternoon, and the live broadcast platform will be summarized!

Specifically, interested consumers can watch the live broadcaston the official video live broadcast platforms such as Glory Official Website, Glory Mall Official Website, Glory Developer Service Platform, Glory Mall APP, Glory Mobile Weibo, Glory Club APP, Glory Select, My Glory APP, etc. You can also watch the live broadcast on official image and text live broadcast platforms such as Zhaoming Headline, Glory HONOR Headline, Glory Mobile Microblog, Glory HONOR Microblog, and Zhao Ming George Microblog.

The Glory 80 series launch conference will be launched this afternoon, and the live broadcast platform will be summarized!

In terms of the live TV platform, consumers can go to the official flagship store of Glory Tmall, the flagship store of Glory JD and other platforms to watch. In addition, live media platforms including Mobile China, Weibo, iQIYI, Tencent Video and Youku can also watch the live broadcast of the conference.

According to mobile phone cat, there are three main highlights of this glorious new phone conferenceHighlights 1: Glory 80 series, a new aesthetic benchmarkFocus 2: Glory Magic Vs series, a brand new folding flagship release; Highlights 3: Gong Jun, the global spokesman of the Glory 80 series, surprises

The above is the specific content about the summary of the Glory 80 series live broadcast platform. The conference officially started at 2:30 p.m., and users can choose their familiar channels to stay ahead of time. Although the official has not disclosed too much about the configuration of this new machine at present, from the past performance of Rongyao's products, the probability of this new machine will also surprise us.

Glory 80 Pro

Glory 80 Pro


  • Rear 160 million pixel main camera
  • Snapdragon 8+flagship chip
  • 1/1.22 inch outsole

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