Degrade from iOS16 to iOS15.7 warranty data

Author:Yueyue Time:2024-06-24 23:07

The recent controversy over iOS16 is very big. The discussion about the system has obviously exceeded the discussion about the iPhone 14 series phones. The use of iOS16 has made many upgrading partners shout disappointment, unaccustomed, difficult to use, and full of bugs. Therefore, many small partners want to downgrade, and have raised many issues of their own concern, such as the downgrade from iOS16 to iOS15.7 warranty materials?

Degrade from iOS16 to iOS15.7 warranty data

Demote from iOS16 to iOS15.7 warranty data

The data must not be saved during the downgrade. The version of ios16 cannot save the data of 15.7, which will lead to white apples

Demote iOS16 to iOS15.7 Tutorial

Degrade from iOS16 to iOS15.7 warranty data

Note: Data must not be saved during downgrade! We should choose by ourselves and pay attention to risks

1. First download and install the latest version of the Aisi Assistant

2. Connect your mobile device to your computer with a data cable

3. Click the "Smart Machine Scrub" above to enter the "One Touch Machine Scrub" interface. If the connection is successful, the firmware will be automatically matched;

4. Select iOS 15.7

5. Please check the option of "regular quick machine brushing", and then click "immediate machine brushing"

6. Next, the machine will be automatically brushed, and the data line will be connected during the process, waiting for the completion of the machine brushing

tips: Data degradation cannot be guaranteed! Data degradation cannot be guaranteed! Data degradation cannot be guaranteed

Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! We should consider it clearly.

The downgrade from iOS 16 to iOS 15.7 does not guarantee data. It will lead to a white Apple. Therefore, when you choose to downgrade your mobile phone, you must consider clearly. At present, Apple has closed the iOS 15.6.1 verification channel. Perhaps iOS 15.7 is also fast. So if you want to retire from retirement in 15.7, you must make a quick decision.

iPhone 14

iPhone 14


  • Super ceramic faceplate
  • Glass back plate
  • Aluminum metal frame

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