How to set desktop weather for iPhone 14 Pro Max

Author:Jiong Time:2024-06-24 21:42

As the saying goes, the weather is unpredictable. The weather is always unpredictable. If you want to know the latest weather conditions at any time, you can use the weather software that comes with your mobile phone. Of course, in order to understand the real-time weather more conveniently, we usually put the weather components on the mobile desktop. However, for this newly released iPhone 14 Pro Max, how to set the desktop weather has become a question for many people. Next, let me bring you a detailed desktop weather tutorial.

How to set desktop weather for iPhone 14 Pro Max

How do I set the desktop weather for iphone14promax? Iphone14promax starts the desktop weather tutorial

1. First, long press the blank area of the phone.

2. Then long press to enter the editing interface, and click the plus sign icon at the top left.

3. Then select the weather widget, slide to select the style you want to use, and select the Add option below.

4. Finally, the weather widget will appear on the desktop, and you can move the location of the widget.

The above is the detailed content of the desktop weather tutorial for iPhone 14 Pro Max. You can make detailed settings step by step through the small tutorial. It allows you to know the latest weather conditions anytime and anywhere. Click the desktop weather widget to directly enter the current weather page, so that you can know the next weather trend and make various protective preparations.

iPhone 14 Pro Max

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