What are the new features of iPhone 14

Author:Jiong Time:2024-06-24 21:07

The Apple launch conference that everyone was yearning for was finally held in the early morning of this morning. For the majority of users who want to buy, what new features the iPhone 14 has compared with the previous generation is their most concerned point. For many waiting netizens, if there is no new function that can attract them, their purchase desire will be greatly reduced. So what are the new features of iPhone 14? Let me give you a detailed introduction.

What are the new features of iPhone 14

What are the new features of the iPhone 14? Introduction to new functions of iPhone 14

I. Smart Island

IPhone 14 reduces the area of "bangs" by taking the disadvantage of screen bangs as an advantage, and uses this as the center for software interaction to display background software status, such as music being played, countdown, map navigation, etc. Smart Island integrates the original status bar, notification and other functions, and integrates software and hardware. (iPhone 14 Pro series only)

II. Information screen display

It supports all-weather information screen display. In this state, the mobile phone screen can display at a refresh rate of 1Hz. The color of the screen becomes dark and the saturation is reduced, but the main information such as time and notification can still be seen. (iPhone 14 Pro series only)

III. It supports accident detection

It supports traffic accident detection and can be used in linkage. It also adds the satellite communication function released by Huawei the day before yesterday - currently it only supports use in SOS emergency. In the absence of Wi Fi and cellular networks, users can use satellite communications to send rescue information and coordinates. If the visibility is good, a satellite message can be sent within 15 seconds. Apple has also targeted information compression technology. (The full range of iPhone 14 is available)

This is a detailed introduction to the new features of the iPhone 14. Compared with the previous generation, the iPhone 14 has made great improvements. However, most of these changes focus on the iPhone 14 Pro series, and there is no obvious difference between the ordinary version of the iPhone 14 and the 13. If you want to experience the new features of iPhone 14, you'd better start with the iPhone 14 Pro series.