Is the mobile phone Tmall bought authentic

Author:Hyman Time:2024-06-24 19:33

Tmall shopping platform is one of Alibaba's shopping platforms. Compared with Taobao platform, the products in the platform are more secure. Many partners will choose to buy things on Tmall platform, but some of them are worried about whether the mobile phones they buy on Tmall are authentic. Let's make a detailed introduction for you!

Is the mobile phone Tmall bought authentic

Is the mobile phone bought by Tmall genuine

It can be said that all brands are now in the official self run stores. What is the official self run store is the manufacturer's own online physical store. See. So now, whether it is Tmall or JD, we can buy and buy with confidence if we look for self support. In fact, the products in Tmall stores cannot be guaranteed to be 100% authentic.

Many netizens reported that they had bought fake goods in Tmall stores, and they also bought goods in flagship stores. Tmall stores actually have different priorities, such as XX official flagship store, XX flagship store, XX self run store, and XX franchise store. Among the four stores, the official flagship store of XX is authorized by the brand, or it is the store of the brand itself, and the credibility of the goods sold in the store is relatively high.

It is also highly reliable. However, the credit rating of XX flagship store will decline. It may contain officially authorized goods, or there may be some items that have not been authorized, that is, there may be a mixture of real and fake goods. It is more uncertain whether XX self run stores and XX franchised stores have the authorization of the brand side, so there is a greater possibility of fake goods. However, it may not be absolutely fake. There are also cases of genuine goods. However, in most cases, it is difficult for us to distinguish between genuine goods and fakes.

Precautions for purchasing mobile phones

1. The CPU is the core of mobile phone operation, which directly determines the performance of mobile phone. The price of different Xiaolong processors on the same mobile phone will vary a lot. Before buying a mobile phone, you may want to check the difference between different processors online, generally Xiaolong and MediaTek.

2. It goes without saying the size of the battery capacity. Who is willing to buy a small one if they can buy a large one? After all, you don't want to go out. The mobile phone says there is no power if there is no power.

3. Mobile phone memory is also important for the operation of mobile phones. However, most people know that the minimum configuration is 4G or 6G, and the external memory is at least 128G. Otherwise, photos and videos are not enough for you, especially for girls who like taking pictures and chasing dramas.

4. Other similar appearance, size, camera pixel, invoice, warranty time, express delivery, etc. I believe we should all understand

The above is a relevant introduction on whether Tmall mobile phones are authentic. It can be said that the mobile phones bought in stores with the highest sales volume on Tmall are generally authentic. If you are really worried, you can verify the authenticity of your mobile phones before choosing to confirm the receipt!

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