Does Glory 80 SE support OTG function

Author:Haoyue Time:2023-02-06 21:28

In addition to the hardware performance, most users are also very concerned about the appearance of their mobile phones. In order to meet this demand, some manufacturers have launched many models that focus on high appearance. Although this type of mobile phones have the most beautiful appearance, other aspects are not too bad. For example, the Glory 80 SE is just because of the price. Many users are not very clear, This time, the editor brings you the relevant introduction of Glory 80 SE on OTG, hoping to help you.

Does Glory 80 SE support OTG function

Does Glory 80 SE support OTG? Does Glory 80 SE have OTG

According to the official website information, Glory 80 SEsupports the use of OTG function.

OTG function is used for data exchange and connection between various devices or mobile devices. For example, OTG function can be used to read and write data of external USB flash disk or mobile hard disk by mobile phone.

To use this OTG function, you only need to purchase a USB-OTG data exchange cable or adapter. Specific usage of OTG function: reverse charging. When connecting the mobile phone to another electronic device with a data cable, if the computer is connected, it will automatically start charging, but when connecting to other mobile electronic devices, there is no way to do anything. However, if the OTG function of the mobile phone is enabled, when connecting other small mobile devices with the data cable, it will charge other devices in turn, and can respond to the emergency needs when necessary.

To sum up, Glory 80 SE supports OTG function, but the official does not give the specific current when it is used, but it should not be much larger. After all, this is only a mid-range machine, even if the current is large, it is estimated that few people will use OTG to charge.

Glory 80 SE

Glory 80 SE


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