One Plus 11 Play Peace Elite Is Fever Serious

Author:Jiong Time:2023-01-06 14:04

One Plus 11 is a mobile phone with excellent overall configuration, which was officially released the day before yesterday (January 4). This mobile phone is famous for its high performance, which focuses on the game experience and brings many new technologies to users. A lot of small partners have acquired this mobile phone at the first time. Will there be serious fever when one plus 11 play Peace Elite? Next, let's get to know with Xiao Bian.

One Plus 11 Play Peace Elite Is Fever Serious

Is the one plus 11 peace playing elite seriously feverish? Will one plus 11 peace elites get hot

The fever is not serious, the maximum temperature is not more than 39 degrees, and there is little feeling

One Plus 11 is a 15 minute game in the mode of smooth picture quality+90 frames in the Peace Elite mobile game. The average frame rate can reach 89.3 FPS, and the average fluctuation is slightly higher than the King's Glory, reaching 1 FPS. However, the frame rate is very stable during the game. The average power consumption is about 4W, which is also the normal level of Snapdragon 8Gen2. In terms of temperature, the maximum temperature of the front of the fuselage is 39 ℃, and the maximum temperature of the back of the fuselage is 37.8 ℃. You can still feel the heat during the game, but it is not too hot.

About the content of "One Plus 11 Play Peace Elite", is it serious? I will introduce it here. If you want to know more about One Plus 11, you can continue to search in Mobile Cat, where a large number of mobile phone information and encyclopedias are updated every day.

One plus 11

One plus 11


  • Snapdragon 8Gen2 Flagship Chip
  • 16GB super large storage
  • 100W wired flash charge

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