HONOR 50 Battery Replacement Price Introduction

Author:Haoyue Time:2022-11-25 01:32

After a mobile phone has been used for a long time, the most important thing to replace is the battery. Especially in the current era when the pace of life is accelerating, many people will charge the phone many times a day in order to keep the phone with enough power. As time goes by, its life will be faster than before, and then the only thing to do is to replace it. How much does HONOR 50 need to spend on replacing the battery?

HONOR 50 Battery Replacement Price Introduction

How much does HONOR 50 charge for battery replacement? How much is it to replace the original battery of HONOR 50

The price of battery replacement on the official website of HONOR 50 is:129 yuan.

HONOR 50 Battery Replacement Price Introduction

The above prices are recommended for maintenance, including labor costs. The repair price that cannot be queried.

Non warranty repair charge=repair spare parts price+labor cost.

To sum up, it costs 129 yuan to replace a new 4300mAh battery on the HONOR 50, which is not too expensive, because the battery of the phone itself is not too large, and the price of the whole machine is low. Although it may be cheaper in other channels, it is most guaranteed to establish users to repair it in the official store.




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