How to close iPhone 14 dual authentication

Author:Yuki Time:2022-11-24 20:35

In iPhone 14, the owner friends can enable the dual authentication. Only after the trusted device receives the verification code can they log in to a new device, and this is enabled by default. This can ensure the security of the iPhone 14 owner's Apple ID, but it is unnecessary and annoying for some owner friends. How can I turn off dual authentication for iPhone14 14? Don't worry. Come and have a look with Xiao Bian!

How to close iPhone 14 dual authentication

How do I turn off dual authentication for iPhone 14? How to close iPhone 14 dual authentication:

1. To turn off dual authentication, first log in to the Apple ID official website in the iPhone browser;

2. After logging into your Apple ID account page, click "Security", and then click "Edit";

3. Then click "Close dual authentication", and then correctly answer the set security prompt question and birth date to close dual authentication.

If you do not see the option to turn off dual authentication on the Apple ID account interface, it means that you cannot turn it off.

The iPhone has a "dual authentication" function. After the dual authentication is enabled, a new device can be logged in only after the trusted device receives the verification code, which greatly increases the security of Apple ID and personal devices. But it's true that many owners can't use it. At this time, just follow the instructions on closing the dual authentication of the iPhone 14 in the mini editor!

iPhone 14

iPhone 14


  • Super ceramic faceplate
  • Glass back plate
  • Aluminum metal frame

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