What should I do if I add Ace Pro Genshin Impact Limited Edition to play League of Heroes mobile game

Author:Jiong Time:2022-11-24 19:29

I believe many young friends have heard of the League of Heroes mobile game. With the huge fan base of League of Heroes end game, although the popularity of League of Heroes mobile game is not high, there are still many very loyal fans. However, due to the poor optimization of League of Heroes mobile games, many mobile phones play League of Heroes mobile games with frame loss. What should I do when I add Ace Pro Genshin Impact Limited Edition to play League of Heroes mobile games?

What should I do if I add Ace Pro Genshin Impact Limited Edition to play League of Heroes mobile game

What about losing frames when playing League of Heroes mobile games with AcePro Genshin Impact Limited? One plus solution to frame loss in AcePro Genshin Impact limited version playing League of Heroes mobile game

1. First of all, players need to ensure that their batteries are sufficient when playing games, so as to avoid fps not flowing smoothly, and do not charge to play games

2. When playing games, the running load of the mobile phone will increase, which will cause the mobile phone to get hot and the fps will not flow smoothly. Try to control the heat of the mobile phone. If possible, you can buy a radiator

3. Players can clean up other applications in the background of the mobile phone, so as to reduce the background running, avoid fps not flowing smoothly, and improve the mobile phone running speed

4. Players can turn on the e-sports mode of their mobile phones, and the overall performance will be improved under the e-sports mode, so that the game will be played more smoothly

The above is a detailed solution to how to lose frames when playing League of Heroes mobile games with Ace Pro Genshin Impact Limited Edition. You can try it one by one. Of course, these methods cannot solve the problem of frame drop 100%, but I believe that most of the frame drop can be solved by the above methods.

Yijia Ace Pro Genshin Impact Limited Edition

Yijia Ace Pro Genshin Impact Limited Edition


  • The first generation Snapdragon 8+mobile platform
  • Genshin Impact Walnut Theme Design
  • HyperBoost game frame stabilization engine

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