What to do with the glory of the iPhone 14 promax king

Author:Yuki Time:2022-11-24 15:44

The iPhone 14 promax is the most configured mobile phone in Apple's autumn launch conference this year. Its performance is arguably the best, and it's easy to play mobile games on the market. However, recently, a friend of the owner of the iPhone 14 promax reported that he had a flashback when he was engaged in the king glory match, which is not an exception. What about the retreat of the iPhone 14 promax king?

What to do with the glory of the iPhone 14 promax king

What should I do if I retire from the glory of the iPhone 14pro king? The solution to the iPhone 14pro king's glory flashback:

Method 1:

1. The flash back has nothing to do with the game. It's a problem with the mobile phone system.

2. After the update, the game is incompatible with the system.

3. For the updated partners, they can only wait for the new beta version to appear.

Method 2:

1. The updated partners can try to downgrade the system version.

2. Find "iCloud" in the settings and back up your personal data such as your address book.

3. Then enter "General" and click "Restore All Settings".

What should I do when I retire from the glory of the iPhone 14 promax king? This editor thinks that he can only wait for the update. In fact, when iOS16 is just updated, many problems will occur. But now there is a new version, the beta version of beat, which can be directly upgraded, and will effectively improve the situation of the player's retirement.

iPhone 14 Pro Max

iPhone 14 Pro Max


  • Design of pill screen for hole digging
  • 8GB running memory
  • New A16 bionic chip

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