Does Huawei P50 socket have a high brush

Author:Yuki Time:2022-10-11 16:21

Huawei's P50 socket has a very high face value, which makes many female users very excited. However, female users pay close attention to the configuration and performance in addition to their beauty. In particular, the requirements for the screen are really high, because the number and time of using mobile phones are very high in ordinary days, so the screen has become the top priority. Is Huawei's P50 socket a high refresh screen? This is very important for users who are still waiting and hesitating to buy.

Does Huawei P50 socket have a high brush

Does Huawei's P50 socket have a high brush? Is Huawei's P50 socket a high refresh screen


Huawei P50Pocket; Support high brush;, But  The inner screen supports a 120Hz refresh rate, while the outer screen only has a 60Hz refresh rate

The new folding screen machine is designed to fold up and down. It has a large external screen, supports the Snapdragon 888 4G processor, and is equipped with a fingerprint screen and an anti polarization OLED display screen.

The folding design of folding up and down has not been adopted by Huawei before. This new folding screen phone may be aimed at women in the main market, providing women with a beautiful and small folding screen phone.

Huawei's P50 socket is a high refresh screen, but there is a difference between the internal and external screens. The external screen only has a refresh rate of 60HZ, which is generally not a high refresh screen. But the refresh rate of the inner screen is very high, which can meet the daily use of users. However, one thing users should pay attention to is that Huawei P50 socket is not a 5g mobile phone, which should be paid special attention to.

Huawei P50 Pocket

Huawei P50 Pocket


  • Box shape design seamless symmetrical aesthetics
  • Hyperspectral super image unit
  • Stereo Microcarving Technology of Crystal Diamond

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